Saturday, November 29, 2008

Beach Wedding Permits

Beach wedding Permits. Do you need one for a beach wedding..? This is a question I get asked a lot. And it’s a fair one, since some beaches are private whilst others public. Here you’ll be left in no doubt to make so you don’t run into any embarrassing disasters on your big day.

How Much Will it Cost Me?

Price varies depending on where you’re getting hitched. I know from experience that a Florida Beach Wedding permit will set you back about $90. However this isn’t the rule, as most are cheaper than that.
Do you know if beach wedding permits are required at the beach where you plan to tie the not? If not, better make sure to check with the local city government there, since some beaches don’t need one. I’ve seen times where written permission was enough, but 9 times out of 10 girls you’ll need a specific permit, girls.
Hey, you can always spend those few extra days in the sun, building up a tan.

What Do I Need to Provide?

The right documents! You wouldn’t believe the amount of times I’ve seen brides-to-be apply for beach wedding permits, but get rejected because they simply missed something out. Don’t make the same mistake! Proof of Liability Insurance and Tax Map information which shows the area of activity is what’s needed.
Beach Wedding Permits are usually required for a beach wedding — just make sure you’ve got the necessary documents and apply for one plenty of time in advanced!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Beach Wedding Cakes..How To Find a Reliable Vendor

You’ve got your beach wedding favors sorted out, snatched a bargain designer number off Ebay, and checked the weather reports. Now there’s beach wedding cakes to look at.. Here I share some of my best tips for finding a reliable wedding vendor.

1. I’m gonna recommend straight off the bat that you get the hotel you’re staying at to prepare one for you. Most hotels will throw these in for free. If you’ve decided to design your own though, check with the hotel if it’s ok to bring your cake to the country. Some don’t allow it.
Word of Mouth
2. Use your own judgement and ASK AROUND. Ask your girlfriends and your family. Just say to them, “Hey, do you know any decent vendors around”. I advise you go to at least 3 vendors and check each of their prices. The vendors to look for are those that actually want to help and not just see you as another potential sale.
3. Request a ‘taste seating’. This is where you get to taste various beach wedding cakes at the same time. Tip: go with your girlfriends and make a day of it!
4. Bring some pics of wedding pictures you like with you and ask each vendor how much it would be to do the same for your wedding. Generally, the moto is, “If you can dream it, it can be made”.

Beach Wedding cakes can cost anywhere from $2 to $15 per slice! So look around and use your instincts. The best way I’ve found is usually through word of mouth. So get asking!